Saturday, February 03, 2007


In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.


No wonder it was so cold this early morning. When I checked the forecast this morning, it said that at around 6am, the temperature was 2 degrees! Brrr!


Ethan seems to be coughing today. When we woke up (late) this morning, he was coughing beside me and it sounded dry. I don't know if it's because of the early morning cold. He sometimes kicks off his blanket in the middle of the night and I usually have to share my blanket with him just so I'll know he's under and warm. I have been observing him for some hours now and he stopped coughing since then. I still have to keep watch though...


We did not play badminton today. Ruther thought that if we did, he might get sick again so we're staying home today. He still has a little cough but his cold is gone. Goody.


Tomorrow, there's another apartment inspection. Yup, you know what this means, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. So, with my handy vacuum cleaner and my ever efficient duster, I shall persevere and make our humble abode as spotless as humanly possible.

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