Friday, March 09, 2007


My mom always tells me to be careful of my health. She keeps on reminding me and my siblings to eat right and to exercise. She and my dad exercise every morning and eat lots of fruits and vegetables (although my dad loves to eat fish a lot!). I hope in the future, when I'm in my 40s, I could be as health-conscious as they are.

I got this article in a magazine. Maybe it's just right to take some time to focus on ourselves for a change. =D

8 Ways to Be Good to Your Heart

1. Check your genes. You've got a 20-50% risk for heart problems.
2. Kick butts. Smoking is one of the leading causes of heart attacks in women under 45.
3. Run some diagnostics. Assess your heart disease risk.
Blood pressure
Blood glcose
Other screenings
4. Take some measurements. Calculating your body mass index (BMI) determines whether you're at a healthy weight for your height.
5. Feed your heart. Eat a portion-controlled diet that's low in saurated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates, and high in fruits and vegetables, lean meats, beans, fiber-rich whole grains and unsaturated fats, like those found in nuts, olive oil and wild-caught salmon.
6. Get physical. The more you move, the healthier you'll be.
7. Make time for rest and relaxation. Women under high stress have more than double the risk for heart- and stroke-related deaths compared to women with low stress in their lives.
8. Get in tune with your emotions. Women's heart attacks are usually triggered by emotional stress.

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