Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Another school shooting has occurred in the US. I read here that this is the deadliest school schooting in US history. This is a sad, sad event. Thirty-three people were reported to have died after the shooting spree. This event changes the face of education in the United States. I was thinking that if I had kids studying at a university in the US, I would maybe pull them out and send them elsewhere. I know that sounds really crazy (overprotective, if you will) but if schools are no longer the safe institution we see them to be then maybe our kids are better off learning at home.

In the Philippines, we do not have problems like school shootings. But despite this, I would still rather homeschool Nikki and Ethan because of the many benefits it brings to us. We are closer as a family, the boys have great fun learning and clearly, they love life and they love being themselves. No pressures at all. I don't want to send Nikki to school then find out that he's become bored or that his classmates or teachers don't understand him. We have fun with unstructured learning, looking at pictures and studying the solar system, singing rhymes and reading books, coloring and doodling and painting and so much more. It IS hard work but I love what I do and I love that the boys are thriving.

I suppose the US will find ways to control this kind of tragedy from happening again. But until kids grow up to be God-fearing people and have respect for life, how are we to know that sending them to school is safe for them?

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