Monday, May 14, 2007


It was only recently that I found out that Mother's Day was not celebrated on a particular day in the entire world. If it weren't for my blogger friends Jane and Jenny, I would think that Mother's Day was celebrated by everyone (and I mean EVERYONE in the world) on the second Sunday of May. Of course now, I know better. I suppose if I were younger, the OC in me would be irritated at this concept. The younger me might think or say, "That's silly! There should only be ONE Mother's Day for the entire world so that there would be only ONE celebration!" You should excuse my know-it-all, younger persona. She is very adamant about knowing important things like holidays and celebrations. =D Anyway because of this, I think I appreciate blogging even more. Because I met Jane and Jenny (hello to you both!) through blogging, my eyes have been opened up to different celebrations and holidays. It's a bit different for me, this Mother's Day celebration because it's not like, let's say, celebrating Golden Week in Japan; because it's a specific holiday for that country. At the same time, it's not like Christmas because people celebrate that only on December 25 all over the world. So, do you now get what I'm trying to say? It seems like Mother's Day is a special date PER country. And that to me, is amazing, wouldn't you agree?

I think blogging really DOES bridge the gap between worlds. Moms here in the Philippines and moms in other parts of the globe, wish each other Happy Mother's Day whenever it's celebrated in their respective countries. I think that's absolutely lovely. So yes, we are indeed bridging the gap and making this world a smaller place. Of course, a phone call could do the same as well but that is another story... =D

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