Ninety percent of all humans are right-handed; 10 percent are left-handed. Right-handed individuals who write with a straight hand and lefties who write with a hooked hand, are usually left-brain dominant for language. Left-handed people who write with their hand below the line, and righties who use a hooked position are usually right-brain dominant. If you gesture mostly with your right hand as you talk, you probably process language in your left hemisphere. Handedness cannot be dictated... To do so may create speech or reading problems. (Coon, 2006)
After reading this, I must say, I am truly left-brain dominant. Not only do I do most things using my right hand (writing, painting, stitching, pointing) but I did a handedness test and all my answers were "right". So I guess I AM right. Ruther is right-handed as well. Nikki and Ethan are too. Everyone in my family are right-handed. And so is everyone in Ruther's family. My textbook further says that handedness is influenced to a degree by heredity. I guess that would explain why all of us are right-handed here at home. Here are more interesting things about handedness:
Lefties are definitely better at visualizing three-dimensional objects. This may be why there are more left-handed architects, artists and chess players than would be expected. In general, left-handers are more symmetrical on almost everything, including eye dominance, fingerprints - even foot size. (Coon, 2006)
Interesting, isn't it? I did have some left-handed classmates in high school who were really great artists. So I always wondered WHY left-handed people are so artistic. Now I know. =D
So, are you a leftie or a rightie?
I'm right-handed and can't really draw to save my life. Russell is left-handed and his job is to draw. It all makes sense now. :)
Yeah, i thought the same thing when I read about that part in my textbook. I always wondered "how come"? why are my left-handed classmates such great artists? now i know. blame it on the brain. hahaha! =D
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