I watched My Best Friend's Wedding on HBO again today. I really love this movie. Which is really strange because I really love happy endings and this does not have a happy ending. I suppose Julia's character as well as Dermot's were just so perfect. Not to mention Cameron's bubbly character and Rupert's antics. I suppose the movie just had the right ingredients to make this movie so enjoyable. Of course, for the nth time, I cried again in the end. It's just so so sad. But at least it was hopeful. =D
Some of my favorite quotes from the movie:
Michael O'Neill: Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just...
Julianne Potter: Passes you by...
Michael O'Neill: Passes you by...
George Downes: It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.
Julianne Potter: Crème brûlée can never be Jell-O. YOU could never be Jell-O.
Kimmy Wallace: I HAVE to be Jell-O!
Julianne Potter: You're never gonna be Jell-O!
Julianne Potter: Michael... I love you. I've loved you for nine years, I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it, and... well, now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune time but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. Oh, that sounds like three favors, doesn't it?
Julianne Potter: I'm pond scum. Well, lower actually. I'm like the fungus that feeds on pond scum.
Michael O'Neill: Lower. The pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the pond scum. On the other hand, thank you for loving me that much, that way. It's pretty flattering.
Julianne Potter: Except it makes me fungus.
Oh, I love this movie as well. A LOT!
I think, I love all Julia Roberts movies except for Mary Reilly and Hook.
Great quotes!
it's just so weird I love this story! and I always hate sad endings... =D
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