Thursday, September 27, 2007


This is my brother-in-law's (Ron's) periapical x-ray of his third molar. He wanted to consult with me first about the treatment for his aching tooth. Without batting an eyelash, I told him, it's either root canal or extraction. There's just no way the tooth could be restored through filling. The cavity in the tooth is just too big and the pulp has been infected not to mention the existence of a visible radioluscency (meaning there is slight bone loss) at the mesial (front) root tip. You can actually see it in the x-ray (darkening at the root tip). Anyway, he was pretty disappointed when he heard that. So I told him he should take better care of his teeth. =D


Jane said...

oh dear, a lesson for me too, I'm still waiting for treatment on my tooth!

:P said...

oh, i remember that tooth, jane! I hope you get an appointment soon!

take care!