Sunday, December 09, 2007


Ruther and I have decided to give some of the boys' old toys away. With the boys' permission of course. A local fastfood chain, Jollibee, has this yearly Christmas tradition of accepting old (or new) toys and books which they would give away to poor kids. I think it's a wonderful way of getting rid of some of the boys' old but functional toys and clearing some of the clutter around the house. Yesterday, I explained to Nikki about picking some of the toys they don't play with anymore and giving them to poor kids. He never put up a fuss and I was so proud of him. I would pick a toy and ask him, "Do you want to give this or keep this?" And he would tell me so. When we would disagree (he would usually want to keep some of them), I would carefully explain why we should give the toy away instead (it usually is because they haven't played it in ages) and he would think about it and most of the time agree with me. We already have a bagful of toys at this time. We went over it again and Nikki was okay with giving all those away. So by next week, we'll bring those toys to Jollibee and hopefully make some kids happy this Christmas.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a good kid!! :)

I like the new colors. :)