Monday, December 10, 2007


I mentioned a few posts earlier about our intention of sharing some of the boys' old toys with the less fortunate kids through Jollibee (a local fastfood restaurant). I think that not only will the poor kids be benefitting from this, it will also be a learning experience for the boys; to share their things with others and be more conscious about less fortunate people in the world.

When I was younger, I led a very sheltered life. My parents were very overprotective and I cannot even begin to express how protective they were. I know they had good intentions but shielding me from the world did not teach me much about life. Really, until I met Ruther and got married, I would not decribe myself as independent at all! Everything I learned, I learned through school, books and interacting with people in my little world. But my learning was very limited. It was only when I went off to college that I realized the world is so, SO much more. My boys are still young but I want them to experience life now. I want them to be conscious of the things around them and to think for themselves. I want them to be selfless and caring citizens. I want them to grow up to be God-fearing and responsible. Homeschooling the boys makes it MY responsibility now. The things that I learned in school I try to instill in my boys little by little. Hopefully all my efforts will not be futile. As far as I can tell, Nikki and Ethan are okay. When we are at the toy store I don't have to worry about tantrums. When I say we can't buy it, they accept it without question. I guess it's because they know that if we could afford the toy and if it's right for them, I would purchase the toy in an instant. I guess it all comes down to good communication.

This Christmas I am already anticipating a wonderful celebration, especially now that Ruther is home. I want to share my joy with people I don't know, strangers who need some cheer this Yuletide season. Even if I don't know them, the thought that my family has made a few kids happy is enough for me. I really hope that the toys find a good home and I pray that other people will join me in giving and spreading the cheer this Christmas. =D


Here are some of the toys we are giving away to Jollibee:

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