Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We were at the mall tonight. Ruther wanted us to meet him there after work and of course, I could not refuse. Good thing it stopped raining or I would have worried about the boys getting wet (or getting sick). Anyway, when we got there it was past 6pm and I was hungry. So, I sent Ruther and SMS and told him I would eat ahead and just meet us where we were. He agreed. I decided to get a bowl of hot goto (congee), tokwa't baboy (pork meat and tofu), sago't gulaman (a refreshment that contains tapioca and cubes of gelatin) and leche flan for dessert. While I was ordering my food, Ethan was drinking his milk. When I got to the table, this is what met me:

Ethan has gum in is hair!! EWW! I think he poked at a chewed gum under the table and it somehow got stuck in his hair. I freaked out because of well, germs so the first thing I did was disinfect the gum with alcohol. Ethan was already whining and complaining and saying it was painful (he was tugging at it) and I told him to stop and wait for his dad. I promtly called Ruther and told him the situation and he passed by a bookstore to buy a pair of scissors. I think it's a good thing the gum got stuck on his bangs (but just to be sure, I covered the sticky gum with a piece of tissue). If it were at the top of his head he would have a bald spot there and it would NOT be good. Anyway, here's Ruther cutting Ethan's hair to get rid of the gum:

He's really not in pain. He just wants the gum out. =D

Here's the gum and some of Ethan's hair.

1 comment:

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...


Don't you hate that? My daughter took gum one time and squished it all over herself in her car seat. Thank goodness not in her hair, but all over her clothes, seat belt, booster, etc.

For next time-try something greasy to get it out without cutting. Peanut butter, cheese, even oil.