We decided to get some pizza while the boys played in the water nearby. A signboard nearby said: "Hayahay Pizza, the best pizza on Alona Beach. Try it!" It was funny so Ruther a
nd I decided to get a pizza for the both of us. We ordered the Senorita Tati and got some mango juice The waiting took forever and the place seemed understaffed. I don't know if it was because it was still early or if this was the usual thing but I really did not like waiting too long for service. Ten minutes was okay, 15 minutes tolerable but 20 minutes and more is just outrageous. Fortunately, our pizza was yummy (they only served thin crust pizzas) and Ruther and I enjoyed it. Ruther and I were supposed to take a dip in the water but when we tested the water it was cold (REALLY cold for me). The boys were also very tired and so we decided to go back to our rooms for some rest. We showered the boys and they fell asleep almost immediately. Ruther was able to doze off as well but I woke him up at 730 p.m. so we could get some supper. I was getting sleepy myself (I was up at 545 a.m.!) so we really had to eat. We woke the boys up and I was horrified to find out that Ethan had fever!! I suppose the cold dip in the water earlier in the afternoon just took its toll on his body and he was feverish. I was getting worried because I did not bring Tempra with me. I bundled him up and put on his hat.
I carried him all the way to Alona Tropical restaurant. We decided to eat there again because it was conveniently near
and there were only a few diners. We got a table and Ruther ordered fried chicken, shanghai rice, camaron rebosado, pineapple shake for him and orange soda for me. While waiting for our dinner, a couple of men with guitars entertained us with songs. Our foreign companions enjoyed them so much they would sing along and once, even danced to a fast song. They were all well-known and loved songs by international artists like the BeeGees, Beatles, Frank Sinatra. They always received applause after every song. I liked that the diners enjoyed the entertainment. It was all very laidback, very informal and very relaxing. During this time, Ethan was on my lap and I said a little prayer that his fever would subside so he could enjoy the rest of our vacation. When our food came, the fried chicken was tender and seasoned just right. The camaron rebosado was a bit on the heavy side (too much batter) but other than that it was another fufilling meal. A few minutes after that we headed back to Alonaland.
When we got back to our room, I checked on Ethan from time to time. He was a bit sleepy so I just lulled him to sleep and then bundled him up. Since Ruther got some zzz's earlier, I decided to sleep early to be fully rested for the next day. We had another full day ahead because in the morning, we were going dolphin-watching and snorkeling and then in the afternoon, we had to check-out from Alonaland and go to the airport because our flight back to Manila was at 2pm. I told Ruther to watch over Nikki and not to sleep late. After brushing my teeth and preparing the stuff for the next day, I dozed of beside Ethan into dreamless sleep.
Oh wow, Bohol!!!I missed that place:) We were there a few years ago..Looks like you had fun! :) Thanks for dropping by,Yette!
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Too bad, Ethan got sick. I hope he's well now. The last time we went on a long vacation, Aeon got sick, too. Susmaryosep. I had the initiative of bringing children's ibuprofen for fever, but discovered she was allergic to it. Bale-wala din! I had allergy meds with me, too, but still she went around with swollen eyelids. Kawawa naman tuloy.
Hi! I find your blog about Bohol very informative. I am considering booking Alonaland. May I have your feedback on them? And by the way, how did you reserve the room? Or did you just walk-in? Thanks!
hello! re alonaland, my family was fine with the place. i mean, we just needed a place to rest because our days were filled so we were happy with the resort. we didn't mind that it was not beachfront because the prices in those resorts were not in our budget. i checked the place through the internet and called them for reservations. it really was a risk for us but it turned out well so we were happy.
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