Saturday, February 16, 2008


Yesterday morning, when Nikki woke up, I went over to him and kissed him good morning. Then we cuddled a bit (it was a cold morning) and I asked him, "Are you Mommy's baby?" He smiled and said "Yes". Then I asked him to hug me and he did. And then I asked, "Do you miss Daddy?" and he said "Yeah" and so I said "I miss daddy too. Can I hug you? Are you Daddy?" and you know what he said? He said, "Yes. I'm daddy for you." =D

Doesn't that just make your heart melt? I think I have the sweetest boy in the world.


Of course, I told Ruther about what Nikki said to me and he said that Nikki is responsible and sweet without even trying. And Ruther said he missed us all. Almost made me cry there.

Anyway, I forgot to mention that Ruther bought an iMac computer the day he arrived in Japan. He already sold his old laptop (he meant to use the money for a new computer) so if he didn't get a new computer, we would have no way of having our video chats in the evenings. Anyway, he was at first undecided between the Macbook and the iMac. He actually called me while deciding on the purchase. He told me that they both had the same price but that the iMac's specs were better. Downside is, it would be difficult to lug it home because it's huge and heavy. But all things considered, he thought that the iMac would be a better buy. So that's what he got. So now, my sweet hubby has a new gadget to tinker with. He loves his techy stuff. He told me that I would love using the iMac but will just have to adjust to it. Well, as long as we have a computer I could use, it's fine by me. You know, Po-ta-to, Po-tah-to... =D (Ruther would disagree, of course.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My next desktop computer is going to me an iMac. I was a PC girl before getting my Mac laptop a few years ago, but after using Russell's computer while we were dating (an old iMac) I grew to love them. I know you'll love the new iMac! :)