Friday, May 30, 2008


I just suddenly realized that Ethan will be having his birthday in two weeks! My baby will be turning 4! I can't believe how much my boys have grown. Sometimes I wish they would remain babies forever but at the very least, I am very glad that I have been with them since infancy. I am very very happy that I have been there every step of the way to watch them grow, to see their firsts and to keep an eye and be proud of their development and accomplishments. Come to think of it, Ethan is still very much our baby. And he's very affectionate to everyone. Yeah, he can be unpredictable at times, but his happy personality and sociable nature makes him so lovable. Whereas Nikki has this inquiring mind, Ethan is more laidback. And I really don't mind that (even if other people compare them all the time) because I know Ethan has his strengths too. I've grown to understand him more and more. I never thought I would because I was so used to Nikki's complacent attitude, but eventually, I realized that Ethan just makes our world a whole lot colorful, if not surprising and unpredictable. Our little boy will be turning 4 and I can't believe he's growing so fast! I've always said that Nikki is my rock but Ethan is my comfort. Anyway, I suppose I need to do some planning for his birthday. Nothing fancy of course, but there definitely will be cake, fried chicken and balloons. And hopefully it'll be another fun-filled day for my little Ethan.

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