Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We hardly ever have sunny days now. And if ever we do have those, it isn't as hot as the past few weeks. And of course, I'm glad for that. It's just so wonderful to have cool air in the evenings again. Hopefully, the last weeks of May will end in such a manner.


Been corresponding with a High School friend who currently lives in the United States with her husband. She's been like my confidant since we graduated and even if we don't get to see each other all the time, we still keep our friendship tight online. In fact, we've never been so close. I feel I can tell her anything, anything at all and she won't judge me or won't tell me things I would simply want to hear. Anyway, she was kind of feeling conflicted about having a baby. She feels that she's not ready to be a mom and at the same time, she feels that if she waits much longer, she'll be putting her career on hold and she won't be able to "get it back" after having the baby and such. Also, she says that not working is not an option for her because of the expenses (her husband is working in a pharmaceutical company) and I do understand her plight. So now, they are thinking of not having a baby yet and she feels sad that that's the case. I reassured her of course and told her that she should not feel pressured in having a baby. She should just focus on what makes her happy right now and if God graces her and her husband with a child later on, then it was meant to be. Besides, I told her, not having a baby does not mean she won't be fulfilled in life. She's career-driven, my friend, so it's natural for her to focus on her ambitions. Me, I'm a nurturing soul so I feel very content taking care of my family. I'm just the type of person who puts family first and career second. And I'm very thankful that Ruther is so responsible in taking the reins financially. I know it's difficult, but we get by and for that, I am glad.

I know that other people may have other problems. My friend's problem is deciding whether or not to have a baby, mine is having my family live together in one place permanently. I suppose it's how we manage our lives, direct our focus and prioritize that will help decide the outcome of our problems. Of course, prayers and faith wouldn't hurt either. A little guidance from the Lord will surely be a big help. Hopefully, the problems that come my way will be manageable. That's all I ask for now.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I do think everyone has their own set of challenges. We've been dealing with the possibility of a big move recently, and not being sure which home to buy or where to move...all those things can be so tricky and huge. But I know from much experience that a person simply can't go wrong with God's guidance in any matter.

I love what Proverbs 3:5-6 says about this, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."

I continue to pray that you all will be permanently together in one place very soon.