
We watched Wall-E the other day and we loved it! Well I loved it and the boys loved it because well, who wouldn't really? It's just a really wonderful movie. I'm such a sucker for movies that teaches values and that have a really good story. Oh yeah, and happy endings too. Can't forget that. Anyway, I think Wall-E is simply adorable in his rustic way. And Eve is too, in her dysfunctional way. The boys have been watching the movie again and again and I can't blame them. I mean, I never get tired of watching it. (I'll get back to you on this after the 57th time.) Here are some of the things the boys learned from watching the movie:
1. Take care of the Earth!
2. Take care of all creatures big or small (even cockroaches).
3. It's sad to be alone.
4. Even robots can have pets.
5. Do not throw your trash anywhere! Even in outer space!
6. A spork is not a spoon OR a fork. It's a spork.
7. Friends come in all shapes and sizes.
8. It's not nice to be so fat and lazy.
9. The sun has solar flares and sun spots.
10. It is never too late to save the Earth, to love someone and to fight for something/someone you love.
11. If everyone works together with a common goal, wonderful things can happen.
12. Love is the greatest thing in this world.
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