Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Any good DIY tips you could give me on drafty windows? Or on how to keep warm at night?

Last night it was SO freaking cold. I forced the boys to sleep in the loft where it's warmer and they were okay there but Ruther and I felt chilled despite our thick blankets. We could just feel cold air coming into the room! I had to wear socks, was thinking of wearing gloves to bed, was dreaming of an electric blanket, and even had allergies (which I so absolutely hate) so yeah, this cold (and I mean COLD) is starting to bug me a bit. I thought that after experiencing winter last 2006-07, I would know what to expect but my body seems to have temperature regulation problems. And it surely doesn't help when you're all bundled up on your way to the station but when you get in the train or an establishment it's so warm inside. Argh! It's a miracle I haven't gotten sick yet. And all the bundling up doesn't make me feel sexy at all (as if that was my primary intention but who cares, right?) and I really feel like a big female bear in winter. I have to admit though, that I am better prepared this year than last time. Now I have more coats, I have thermal stockings, I have cute wooly caps (really makes me feel fashionable but again, who cares, right?) and of course, couldn't forget the gloves and mufflers. But despite all these, I still feel very cold especially when it hits 7 degrees and below. I could just feel my insides turn into ice. And as I always tell Ruther, it takes me forever to thaw out. So I feel frozen for a looooong time.

Sigh. Of course, the heater in the apartment helps but we can't very well use it the entire night (or day)! That's just out of the question. So I'm hoping for some low-cost ways in keeping warm this winter. Any ideas?


1 comment:

Becky said...

My grandma used to hang up a blanket in the windows during the winter time to keep down drafts. They do have window insulation kits at hardware stores here in the U.S. which are basically large sheets of plastic wrap that you spread out on sticky paper that goes around the outside of the window sill and help to keep out drafts.

Long underwear and really warm socks should help, too. Down blankets or comforters (made from the underfeathers of ducks and geese) are particularly insulating and warm. IKEA has them, I think.

My sister in law has an electric blanket which she turns on an hour or so before she gets into bed (she unplugs it at night) and it helps warm her bed up so that she goes off to sleep in a warm cozy bed.

Also, drinking hot drinks during the day instead of cold should help keep you feeling a little warmer.