Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We had some rains today. Since I recently read in my photography book about taking advantage of bad weather to practice photography, I decided to go out into the garden and take some shots while it was raining. It was kinda fun although I had to obsess about not getting the camera wet, especially the lens. But I did try taking as much photos as I could with different settings and exposures so hopefully, I got some good shots (which I will post here later on). I'm itching to get out and take more photos. Last Sunday at the beach, I really enjoyed taking so many different shots and I always love sunsets so that was a good day. Maybe next week we could go back and I'll try taking more interesting shots then. :)


The boys had their hair trimmed today. Daddy's barber does home service so I asked my dad if the boys could get a haircut as well. So this morning we were all out in the garden while the boys had their trim. Nikki went ahead of course, and he was a good boy, as always. No muss, no fuss. I was worried about Ethan because he HATES getting a hair cut but miracle of miracles, he cooperated beautifully. So now he has a really nice haircut and even Ruther liked it. Maybe they could get another trim before we leave for Manila next month. :)


Mommy and I watched the movie Australia this afternoon. We liked it. I liked the story and I think Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman made a good couple in the movie. Of course I cried in some parts (no surprise there). I think the movie was beautifully written. Tita Nicki has been encouraging me to watch it because she loved it and not only because she's Australian. (*wink*) I was intrigued of course. And now that I've seen the movie I could say that I liked it. My only complaint is that I wish that I watched it with Ruther though.

Oh well.

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