Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Next year will be our 10 year anniversary. Ruther's and mine. How time flies. I still remember vividly the times when he would be away overseas for projects and I would cry my heart out almost every night. It was just so painful to be away from him. But God has been so good to us. He has given us so much; good health, success in Ruther's work, financial stability and really, what else will we need in this world? I feel really blessed that we are doing okay as a family. I'm not a greedy person. I do not crave for huge houses, luxury cars or expensive jewelry. I just feel that that's not my priority, you know. What I would really really like is for my family to be together and then I would really feel complete.

Should we be in Japan next year for our anniversary, I would really love for Ruther and me to renew our wedding vows. Of course, there will be no more fanfare, no more celebrations. Just a private, wonderful ceremony to say the vows we said 10 years before and look forward to 10 more years and then forever. There's nothing else I would want in this world than to spend it with the man I love with all my heart and soul.

Well, a second honeymoon wouldn't be so bad either...

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a GREAT idea, renewing your vows. And I'll be praying you ARE together on your anniversary to do just that!

I've often wished we would renew our vows, too. I'd love to have the ceremony on the beach.