Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today has been a rainy day and it looks like it's going to be a rainy night as well. Apparently, there's a typhoon in the country. My first thought about this was "Oh those poor kids!" Not only will the students be wet from the rain, classes will surely be suspended for sure. And I was right.


It's been so cool today. I've been worried about Nikki's cold. I usually just take it easy when the boys have a little cough or cold or fever. But with Nikki's condition I know I can't risk even the slightest illness. So I'm giving him some Vitamin C just to boost his immune system. Hopefully his cold will be gone in a few days.


Because of the rains, I had to keep an eye on the drips in the boys' room downstairs. Part of the east wall of their room has drips. It's really a nuisance but I can't do anything about it now that we're going to leave soon. I suppose I just have to hope that there won't be any super typhoons while we're gone or the drips will be kept to a minimum. I hope.


Been thinking of how to properly advertise my services for sitting and/or English tutoring once I'm in Japan. I have no idea what to put on the flyer although I do have an idea where to put them. There usually are bulletin boards outside train stations so I could post the flyers there. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some good clients. I'm actually quite excited to try it out. Not only will it be easier for me (part-time will be best because I'm planning to continue homeschooling the boys) but I'll be happy to earn while I'm there. So yeah, looking forward to that.

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