Thursday, May 27, 2010


You must possibly hate me by now.

I've been so terribly busy these past 3 weeks. Mama's helper went home to the province so I have to do most of the cooking, the cleaning and washing, not to mention homeschooling and then studying myself to finish my TEFL (Teach English as Foreign Language) course. So it's been crazy and hectic but at least it's kept me busy until now. May has been such a terrible month weather-wise. Most of the time we spend the day downstairs in the boys' room where the heat is less suffocating. But some days we just can't not use the AC even for an hour or so. The boys have been coughing somewhat which worries me but hopefully, a change in the weather and some Vitamin C will remedy that. I really wouldn't want them getting sick. Anyway, a few more days and May will be over!! Summer will be over! OMG! Am so happy!


Ruther was supposed to be home on the 29th (Saturday). But because there have been delays in the handover, it was moved to June 4. Of course I was bummed about it! My hormonal self just had to have a tantrum because of this but what else could I do? I suppose I should be glad it's only for a week. But still! Ruther reassured me that once it was over we'd have uninterrupted time together. As much as that gives me hope, I just can't trust the future...


My pregnancy is going along nicely. I no longer have headaches as frequently as before which is a relief and I don't get nauseous. My appetite has normalized (meaning, less crazy cravings) but because of my busy schedule I haven't had much time to exercise. I just hope I don't look too FAT these days. The baby has been moving around a lot. I could easily feel it from time to time. We still don't know the sex of the baby because I would still want to get the ultrasound when Ruther is with me. So we might know finally by June. Still hoping it's a girl...


I've been so conflicted these past weeks. I don't know if I should enrol Nikki in regular school or continue homeschooling him. I would still want to HS of course but I worry about his lack of interaction with other kids his age (am not talking about socialization because that's a different story). Ruther said having a playgroup might increase his interpersonal skills. And I could see that but the problem is, the boys don't have cousins and relatives of the same age don't live nearby. It wasn't like when I was growing up, I lived with my grandmother and my cousins lived there too and after school we would all get together and just play until we were good and dirty. Anyway, I've decided to enrol Nikki in a once-a-week homeschool coop class which starts next month. I decided to pick Arts and Music first and hopefully he'll enjoy it and learn to make friends. Am keeping my fingers crossed...

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