Saturday, December 25, 2010


A very happy holidays to all! I hope that the year has been good to each and everyone of you. Mine wasn't the best but having Enzo in our lives was definitely the highlight for our family. I can't believe how quickly time flies and how much the boys have grown. I just hope that I'm giving them the best parenting I could ever give. I love my family so much!


Enzo spent most of his first Christmas asleep. I don't blame him. If I didn't follow tradition, I would be sleeping as well. My sister got him this cute outfit for the Christmas photo but by the time we were going to take pictures, his jumper got all drooly. Hahaha! I mean, Enzo is cute but I couldn't have drooly clothes in the photo!! So we changed him into nice shorts and he looked a whole lot better. Can't wait to see them all!! I would have to wait because my darling husband is still fast asleep. :D


We spoke with my mom, dad and brother through Skype a few hours before midnight. It was wonderful getting to speak to them. They loved the card Nikki made for them during art class. We didn't get to talk for a long time but they did get to see Enzo. I guess that was enough to make their night. :D

1 comment:

Becky said...

I hear that Skype is incredible. We haven't jumped on the bandwagon just yet, though I need to, as my sister and her family have it and it would be great to talk to them all.

Sounds like you guys had a nice, relaxing Christmas.