Tuesday, January 04, 2011

2011 BEGINS...

Now that the holidays have passed, it looks like we're settling into our usual routine. Not that our routine is routine, if you know what I mean. It just means that it's less chaotic now.

I'm trying to tidy up the rooms. I can't believe how much junk, I mean, stuff has accumulated in the past 4 weeks!!! From toys to clothes to food, to books... It's just a perennial problem where to put stuff sometimes. Sigh. It's times like these that I wish we had a house of our own, ya know...


I can't believe how big my little chipmunk is getting!! I sometimes look at him and say, "please, please don't grow so fast", which is then rewarded with giggles and shrieks. Don't you wish babies could stay babies forever?



It has been wonderfully cool these past weeks. The days have been breezy and the nights have been somewhat chilly. All of us use blankets now, just to ward off the cool night air. No use getting the cold or sniffles again. I don't want any more sick kids, thank you very much. Anyway, I hope this will last til February because I sure am dreading summer. Can't forget the sweltering heat last year! Yikes!


I really really hope 2011 will be good to me. 2009 was the worst year of my life. 2010 would have been blah if not for Enzo (my sweetie baby) so I really really hope 2011 will be a whole lot better. I'm not asking for much, just that my family be happy and well and that my boys not have a major illness or anything like that. It would also be nice to have more family bondings. Perhaps new experiences too. And maybe lose a bit of weight. :D

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