Friday, January 21, 2011


Our baby is now 4 months!! Can't believe how fast he's growing. I wish he could be a little longer...

Anyway, he's such an active little boy. He prefers to sit down now, even if he still can't support his body. We would hold him up and he would sit and be so pleased. He enjoys looking around and loves it when people talk to him. He's so sociable. He doesn't like it when I'm too far away from him. He cries but once I go to him and talk to him, he always smiles. He's here right now on my lap, enjoying the movement of my hands and fingers and the tap-tap of the keys. He's just so cute.

He also likes being on his tummy. He could support his upper body quite well now and would try to move his body forward as though trying to crawl. He's such a joy, even when he's cranky because he's sleepy or because he wants some milk. I just love him to bits!

Happy 4th month my little chipmunk! I love you!


My allergy is acting up again. For the past weeks, I've been having these rashes for no reason! It's so irritating especially when I'm about to sleep and I feel these bumps all over my body! And because of these rashes, I'm now covered in little black spots! Argh! Now I have to bring my allergy medicine with me all the time and also have a stash here at home just to be sure I don't run out.



Looks like it's going to be a wet summer for us this year. That's according to the recent news. Well, I for one, am glad for that. Hopefully the prediction won't be a false one and make our weather bureau even more embarrassing.

So, am looking forward to a great summer!


I haven't finished reading the Seven Dials Mystery yet. Not that it's dull, but it's just so different from the Percy Jackson books that I couldn't help but compare the two. Anyway, I'm more than halfway done so I hope to finish it this weekend and then read a more exciting book next.

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