Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Last night, Enzo tried melon for the first time. I gave him a small one to taste and at first he made a face but later on, he attacked the melon with gusto! He was so cute trying to drain the piece of melon of all its juice. We just had to take photos and a video of him! I hope when he's bigger he'd get to eat a variety of food. Nikki and Ethan are quite picky, Ethan most especially and it's just so difficult getting him to eat rice - of all things! Anyway, we hope that Enzo will be eating vegetables. When that happens, it'd be a dream come true. :D


The weather has been absolutely great these past days. So cool and breezy and just relaxing. There are times when I find myself dozing off while breastfeeding, which is not too good for my widening girth. Sigh. Gotta get up, up ,up and going! Gotta lose all these extra pounds!


I can't wait for Glee to begin airing again! I've been watching past episodes and I really wish they'd bring back the Season 1 appeal. Season 2, for me, has been all about themes (Rocky Horror, etc.) although I did enjoy the Britney episode but only because Brittany was such an amazing dancer! I just wish, for this season, they'd make the songs revolve around the story rather than the other way around, like it used to be in the first season. Anyway, I still can't wait to watch it!! :D


Found this chocolate fondue recipe here. Decided to keep it for future use. :D

1 bag milk choco. chips
1/4 C. evaporated milk
2 T. butter
3 cups mini marshmallows
Put all ingredients in a bowl and microwave in one minute intervals.

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