Thursday, January 27, 2011


It's not easy being a mom to 3 boys. And it's definitely challenging parenting Nikki and Ethan who are so different from each other. I'm not complaining at their differences. I'm just saying, it's not easy.

Seeing Enzo grow day by day, I wonder how he'll be when he grows up. Will he have his own unique personality? How will he be similar or different from his brothers? Sometimes, when I look at him while he sleeps, I wonder about these things and a lot more. It's amazing how children develop into their own personalities. I just hope they don't do it with the intention of driving their parents crazy!

Anyway, with three boys now, I just know our life will be full of adventure. If it isn't already. :D


Enzo is so cute! I really can't get enough of him. I know I'm completely biased as the mother but he's just adorable! Right now, he's getting used to being without mittens. We couldn't do that before because even if we trim his nails, they could still cause some scratches on his face. It's only lately that his nails have gotten somewhat thicker and so, are no longer sharp. He now loves touching everything, from toys to clothes. But I so love it when he touches my face. He's very inquisitive and when he just wakes up from a nap, I usually want him to see me immediately so I put my face close to him and whisper, "hello". That gets a smile out of him and it just really melts my heart. It's just amazing having to give your heart to someone so little.

He also prefers sitting up now, even if he can't fully support his upper body yet which shows how fast he's growing. He likes to see everything, talk to everyone and just be everywhere. It's as if, being born 7-8 years later than his brothers, he just wants to catch up and catch up fast. I wish he wouldn't. He's our little boy and I want him to stay little for me. :(

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