Tuesday, February 01, 2011


It's February already. Gosh, how time flies...

The weather is still fortunately, cool although it's not doing a lot of good for the boys, who's had some stuffy noses the past few days. Enzo is certainly better with just a little bit of runny nose there and Nikki as well. Ethan, not too good because aside from the sniffles, he also has a bit of cough. I'm hoping it's not going to get any worse because it's so difficult to medicate him. Ruther was feeling under the weather this morning and stayed home but after lunch, he had to go to the office. I hope he won't be too stressed while there. It's a really good thing that aside from my headaches, allergies (which can be a pain!) and the occasional fever, cough and cold, I hardly ever get sick. It would be terrible having to care for sick kids when you're sick yourself! Ugh!


Enzo is just growing so fast! Now, he has a bit of separation anxiety, especially when he sees me leaving the room. He also hates to be bored so I either have to play with him, give him something to play with, or put him on his tummy. He's just developing at a fast rate, it amazes me to no end.

His hair is also getting quite long. I'd be a bit sad to trim it but it's starting to get into his eyes and pretty soon it'll look so unkempt. I guess I'd have to do that in a week or so...


My sister and I watched a ballet gala last Saturday. It was a lot of fun. We used to watch performances when we were in college but after getting married, I think I only watched a couple. So it's nice to watch a ballet once more and with my sister at that. I will surely miss our bonding moments when she'll be off to Canada... :(


It's Ruther's birthday in a week and I don't know what to get him... :(

1 comment:

st1ng3r said...

unicron 2010 edition @ greattoys =p