Everything's happening so fast these days I don't know where the time went...
Anyway, first things first. If you don't know what's happened to Japan then you're living in a bubble. I think it's absolutely sad that 2 calamities caused destruction in such a beautiful country. It really tears at my heart that the place I've grown to love is full of sadness and grief. I hope that Japan will recover soon. I tweeted days ago that if I had tons of money I would give some of it to Japan and I WOULD. I think it's just so sad. But I know that Japan will overcome this. They are strong country and resilient. I will keep tabs on their situation and hopefully, there will be good news in months to come.
Yesterday evening at around 630 pm, I felt the computer table shake and I knew immediately that it was an earthquake. After having experienced several in Japan, I just knew I wasn't dizzy or anything like that. My sis didn't believe me at first but after my brother-in-law posted about it in Facebook I suppose we were all wondering whether we'll be the next Japan. It IS a scary thought because no way is the Philippines ready for a strong earthquake. And we DO have a fault line somewhere in northern Manila. Well, according to reports, the earthquake was around 5.4 to 5.7. So I guess we'll have to be careful, be safe and not piss off Mother Nature.
Enzo is 6 months!! My god! He's growing so fast!! If I wasn't with him 24/7 I would be panicking now. I just want to treasure e v e r y m o m e n t of his babyhood. I just don't want it to end! Can't believe he's our last baby! Can't believe he'll be one soon! Waaah!
Ruther's office transfer has gone well, not really smoothly, but okay. They had some internet connection problems during the first 2 days so we would chat intermittently. Now they are up and running and I'm actually proud of him for all the hard work he's put in the relocation. He's such a good employee (well, no thanks to some people) and I wish his bosses would learn to appreciate him more...
Yes! We are having a bug party for Enzo's 1st birthday!! I am so excited I've started buying stuff for the party already! I know it's still months away but I'm just weird like that. Besides, it's not easy finding bugsy things or bug-themed items here. So once I see something with bugs, I get them immediately. Of course I don't buy the expensive stuff! Having a great birthday doesn't mean I should spend all our money! I just want it to be a very unique and very creative party. And I want everyone to have fun! So yes, I'm very very excited!
Work is okay. I enjoy writing abstracts but I wish I would earn a lot more than what I'm getting right now. I'm thinking of looking for another home-based job. Hopefully I'll be able to find one that would pay more and then I'd be more confident in being a second earner in the family.