Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Well, I started work and it's okay. A slow start because I have to get used to the reading and the condensing and to properly categorize the articles. Nevertheless, it's fun and it exercises my brain cells. The topics have been pretty easy except for the last one which was really taxing because it was about philosophy. I had to read the articles several times and had to check my work repeatedly just to be sure that I got everything right. Other than that, the work is okay. I just wish it paid a bit more though, and then it would be the perfect job.


Lately, I've been thinking of ideas for Enzo's 1st birthday party. I don't know why I suddenly thought about it considering his birthday will be in September yet. But then again, I've always been prepared for things like this. I was thinking of a bug-themed party. I think it will be cute. I've been checking the web for ideas and I found a lot of creative and cute ones. I think it will be a good theme because 1. it's not a popular party theme in the Philippines and will therefore be one-of-a-kind and 2. Nikki and Ethan also like bugs. Another thing is that we don't want to spend a lot for this party so we're thinking of having it in a nearby playground. So I suppose a bug party will fit the place. We'll have some games and all that but no more clowns or magicians. We might consider renting an inflatable slide just so the kids could have a bit of fun. I think that would be nicer than for them to watch a magic show and/or a clown act which is the norm here for children's parties. Anyway, nothing's set in stone yet but I think it would be a really cute party if we stick to this theme. :D


I hope we could watch the pyromusical this Saturday. And I hope it won't rain then...

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