Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It was Nikki's first day in school today. We were late and it was not our fault. Days before, Nikki's adviser told me that school would start at 730. We went there at 730 only to realize that the flag ceremony started at 715! So we were late. But it was no big deal because it was orientation day. I stayed til recess just to check on him and when I did, Nikki said he was okay so I told him I would just go back for him in the afternoon. I did take some photos of him in the classroom. Can you blame me? I'm an excited mom. :D

When Nikki got home, I asked him how his day was. He said they had introductions, they sang songs, and just had an easy day. I'm glad. I met a mom there whose son was Nikki's classmate. So we exchanged numbers. I'm sure I would be meeting even more moms and I hope all of them would be okay. Anyway, am looking forward for school to normalize so Nikki could finally get a feel of it.


I miss my sister. She's in Canada right now, attending a medical fellowship with the University of Toronto. We write all the time. Even the tiniest thing, the most mundane thing, we talk about it. And I love that. I used to do the same years ago when I would write Ruther back when Skype was not the fad yet. We would exchange emails then tell each other about our day. It was tedious but I so appreciated all the time he spent writing to me (he's not a letter person like me). And now that my sis is far away, I am once more appreciating the written word like never before.


There's a lunar eclipse tonight. Too bad because we can't stay up late. Oh well...

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