Thursday, July 21, 2011


My god, where does time go? My little Enzo is 10 months today!! Gosh!

He's 10 months and is just growing so fast!! Sometimes, I can hardly keep up with his development (while attending to Nikki and Ethan as well) but once in a while, I look at him and just marvel at his uniqueness. Sometimes I wish I had the power to stop time. I know other moms feel the same. It's just a very alluring idea to have your babies stay babies, ya know.


Apparently, corresponding with my sister in an almost daily basis takes up most of my blogging time. I've been thinking of simply getting bits and pieces from your correspondence and pasting them here. Haha! Okay, I won't do that. But with chores and Nikki's classes and homeschooling and Enzo, I hardly have time now to sit and think and blog. But I know, I'm all excuses again. I think I'll do my best to find some time to blog, even if it's for only 10 minutes. Here's hoping I have something interesting to blog about. :D


It's Nikki's first Long Examination today. He has another one tomorrow. So far so good. I know, being the eldest, a lot of people expect so much from him (which I think is not fair at all) so I try to just be encouraging with his study habits. He's already very particular about mistakes and I don't want him to be grade conscious all his life. I would rather he develop great study habits and interpersonal relationships. I told him that no matter the result, as long as he did his best, I'll always be proud of him. And I promised him that once the exam is over tomorrow, he could play Wii for the rest of the day. He was quite happy about that. :D


I have started planning for Enzo's 1st birthday! Did I mention that we're going for the bug theme? I don't want to pick the usual character-themed birthdays that are the usual fanfare here in the Philippines. I wanted Enzo to have a one-of-a-kind party since he's a one-of-a-kind kid. So why not a bug party? I'm sure my friends will discover that this is the first bug party they've ever been to. I'm planning everything from food to decors to lootbags. We're on a budget so I have to make sure we don't overspend. But at the same time, I want the party to be special. So for my cute-as-a-bug baby, it's gonna be a very unique party!


The rains have gone. Yep, it's all sunshine now. And I'm not talking metaphorically. I mean, the weather has been HOT! Which is good for laundry but other than that, it's just too uncomfortable. Enzo has reverted back to his nappies-only look and it's a miracle he hasn't developed heat rash again. Anyway, I guess, being in this tropical country, we just have to make the most of it... Sigh...


I miss my sister. It's hard being apart from someone I trust and love and I suppose it's wonderful that she's doing so great in Canada but that doesn't change the fact that I miss her. Hopefully, being together again will be an accomplished dream in the near future...

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