Sunday, January 15, 2012


I know! You don't have to say it.

I've been negligent, forgetful, lazy, procrastinating, and all those... BUT I never thought having 3 boys would keep me this busy!! Really! I had NO idea!! I promised myself to blog at least once a week, but oh no, that just couldn't happen. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and before I knew it, it's 2012!! I pretty much asked myself the other day, "Why have I stopped blogging?" And I don't know exactly why because I love blogging and I know I always have something to write about. I guess, life just happened. I wish I had a device that would type away in my blog as I say it. Wouldn't that be a handy thingamajig? Anyway, I'm terribly sorry for being away for so long. I just feel like I have a lot on my plate and I just couldn't and wouldn't allow myself to be a wet rag all the time in the blogosphere. So now, this is me being cheerful and happy about the new year. Here's hoping it would be great for everyone!


My boys pretty much take up most of my time. And I thought I could handle 3 kids like a breeze. I'm just plain ashamed. I feel like I have to work really hard everyday just to make sure that I tend to all their needs and yet, a day isn't enough and I berate myself come evening when I realize I haven't given Ethan his vitamins, when I forgot to review Nikki for school and when I forget to kiss Enzo goodnight even when he's right beside me. Really, I don't know how the Duggers do it. I just wish there were a couple more hours to a day or that I would at least have a clone or additional pair of hands so I wouldn't feel so frustrated and useless when I forget to do these things for my family. Sigh. I know I have to just hold on and learn to let go of the little things and focus on the things that matter the most. Still, wouldn't it be nice to be the perfect housewife, mom and homeschool teacher?


Our little Enzo isn't so little anymore!! He's growing oh so fast it's scaring the bejeezus outta me. I wish he could stay a baby for much longer but I know that's just not gonna happen. He's such a joy here at home I really don't know what I'd do if I had to go to work and be away from him and my boys. They just make me ache with love. I love them to death! Will post one of Enzo's recent photos once I upload them all.


How were your holidays? I know it's been weeks but I hope you had a blast. We spent the holidays in my home province, Zamboanga. My mom and dad were of course, very happy to spend time with the boys. It was Enzo's first plane ride and first time in Zamboanga so it was fun taking him around and showing him my place of birth. We took the boys to the beach, to my cousins, to tourist attractions in the area and all that. We were there from December 18 until the 1st of January. It wasn't long but at least we all had fun despite being sick for a few days while there. Am hoping Nikki would spend the summer there to bond with my parents and to take some summer classes and also to learn to be more independent. He's not too keen with the idea but I hope he'd at least try. We'll have to see, I guess...


I'm sincerely hoping that this year, 2012, will finally be the year when a positive change takes place in my life. 2009 was a sucky year, 2010 was so unpredictable but having Enzo then was just amazing. 2011 was a sad year with my sis leaving for Canada for fellowship and Ruther's dad, aunt and grandmother passing away during the second half of the year. It was just too many deaths at once. Am hoping the tides will turn now and that 2012 will be more promising, more positive and will be the year when our dreams start to come true.

Am keeping my fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Yette! I know exactly what you mean...motherhood keeps a person CRAZY BUSY!

I thought with Judah going off to Kindergarten this year that I would have more time to blog. Um, no. Then, I ended up watching a friends baby 3 days a week. Then we had 3 weeks worth of company over the Christmas holiday...

Just wanted to pop by and say hello!