Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ruther says I have to post more photos of Enzo. I must say he's right. The problem is having to sort through hundreds of photos and picking the nice ones. Whatta problem, right? I'm sure years before, the problem would have been arranging the developed photos in photo albums. These days, with all the photos available, you just don't know which one to pick. Yep. That's technology for you.

I usually -when I find the time - browse through our photos in Ruther's iPhoto and the many photos we have in there is just amazing. The stories they tell, the memories they stir, the emotions they evoke... it's just indescribable.

Have you watched the movie "Sabrina"? The 1995 one with Harrison Ford and Julie Ormond? Well, she went to Paris and learned photography and there was this thing she said to Linus (Ford) that went:

"Every time, I look through a camera I’m surprised. It’s like finding yourself in the middle of a story, like you just did. What kind of a guy takes a job keeping a light house? I think I’ve been taking pictures all my life, long before I ever had a camera."

I feel exactly the same way. I feel that I've been taking photos my whole life but just finding it a tad hard to record them in my memory banks. Nevertheless, I love the stories they tell and all the happy memories they bring. Years before, I used to worry about losing all my photo albums. I worried that those memories will be gone forever. Yeah, call me a sentimental fool but those are memories to be treasured forever.

When I look at photography books, I am always curious at the story or stories behind the photo. What lies behind those expressive eyes? I am amazed at how much life is preserved on paper. Like how much my kids have grown over the years. And also, I feel a touch of bittersweet when I see people who have passed away in the pages of albums. I miss them all.

I know that years from now, more and new technology will come and thrill and amaze us. I just hope that there will be a permanent way of preserving all these photographs so that long after I'm gone from this world, my family will enjoy all the stories every photo will tell them.

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