Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey Life

I can't help but feel that Life is laughing at me. And mocking me.

I can just feel it.

A day passes and then a week and then two. And I wonder how the days turn into nights so rapidly. In a few short days, Nikki will be done with school. Wow. Has the school year gone by that quickly?

Sometimes I wonder about time and how it moves so slowly at times and super fast the next. Sometimes I think of the past and the choices I've made. I think of the future and wonder where our next chapter will take us.

There are days when I feel I'm wandering aimlessly, or going through the motions, just waiting for something to snap me out of a stupor that would suddenly take hold of me from time to time.

Yes, I wonder about you, Life, and the things you make me do and the places to take me to see. What else have you got for me and my family? What other plans have you got up your sleeve? Are they going to be good ones? Or be the same as the past 3 years? Hopefully not.

Make me smile. Make me laugh. Make me live again. Tickle my fancy. Thrill me. Send a shiver down my spice. C'mon Life. You can do better than this.

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