Today was Nikki’s second day at Cooking Camp. We first discovered about this last week when we were shopping at SM Sucat with my mom and dad. I showed Nikki the poster and he seemed pretty excited. Joining was fairly easy (and cheap) so I thought, why not? It would be another great experience for him. To join the 3-day event, all we had to do was to show a single-purchase receipt worth P2500 and above from SM hypermart. My mom did her grocery-shopping there so I asked for her receipt for this purpose. I then had to fill out an application form and pay P240 for the ingredients used (it was P80 per day). The kids get free toques and aprons.
Yesterday, Nikki made Yummy Pasta and Adobo Pasta. He was shy at first because there were 5 of them in the group but they were good kids and he spoke to them eventually. I liked that he tried to chat with them despite knowing little Tagalog. I feel that his self-confidence is growing and that is always good in my book.
Today, they made brownies and pancakes. Simple, I know but there were young kids there so I suppose it was okay to mix easy with more challenging recipes. Besides, the kids had fun trying to crack the eggs (some eggshells fell into the mixing bowl and they had to retrieve them) and flip the pancakes. Some of the other kids (in the other groups) burned their pancakes and had to do them again. You’d think making pancakes is easy but when you’re a kid and have to do it the first time and do everything yourself, it’s far from easy. Nikki’s group did great! They had browner-than-usual pancakes but not blackened like the pancakes from other groups. So, all in all, it was a success. Not to mention that Nikki won a utility bag in the raffle so that was a perfect end to the day. Tomorrow is Main Course Galore and I’m sure it will be more exciting! Can’t wait! 

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