Monday, October 26, 2020


 Online classes are suspended today because of Typhoon Quinta. You might think "WHY?" since students are all learning from home but well, internet providers in the Philippines suck so the connection is not very reliable. It would be very stressful and worrisome so I, for one, am glad that mayors considered cancelling online classes today.

Last night I couldn't sleep because it was so blustery. I was worried about the weather and drips and such. Thankfully, the typhoon at this time, is leaving the country so I hope the winds will die down a bit and leave our mango trees in peace. When I see them swaying I ask God to protect the trees because so many birds live in them. In the morning, it's such a joy to hear the birds chirp loudly and non-stop. You don't usually get that in urban places. But here, because of our trees, we are fortunate to have these birds sing to us daily.


Today was supposed to be a United Nations Day celebration for Enzo. They were supposed to be in costume while having online classes. Too bad. Enzo had his jinbei prepared. We got it from Japan years before and fits Enzo well. It was actually Ruther's. 😝I think it looks nice on him. 😄


I am so glad the storm is leaving the country. I usually am not so worried about storms and typhoons but this one made me worry so much. I must be getting old. 

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