Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Kristine passed this Cool Mom award to me! Wow! This is really great! Thanks so much, Kristine!

Even before I had Nikki, I always told Ruther that I wanted to be a cool mom; I wanted to be there for our kids through thick or thin, I wanted to be someone who our kids could talk to about anything and eveything, someone who could play games with them (unfortunately, my video game skills are quite poor), who could teach them about many things about life and the world, and someone who could and would accept them for who they really and truly were. My boys are still quite young for me to determine if I have indeed achieved this "cool mom" status but I know I will still try my darnest to be the best mom for them. I just hope that a few years from now, I will have become the "cool mom" I have imagined and expected myself to be. Will keep you updated about that. =D
I am passing this award to all the moms out there because I know and believe that you are all great and cool and you all deserve the recognition. Kisses to all!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Any mom that devotes herself to caring for her children, loving them, caring for them through their illnesses, loving their father (to model such things for their children) and training them up to be good, responsible adults...these are most definitely cool moms. Consider yourself cool, Yette. It sounds like you're already doing all that!