Saturday, October 20, 2007


Ruther got me this cute Woodstock. Of course, he got it from a UFO catcher in Japan when we were there last October. Isn't it cute? =D Ruther is the reason why my stuffed toy collection keeps on growing. =D

Thanks sweetie!


Becky said...

Awww, what a thoughtful hubby you have.

beevs said...

oooh...fave ko si woodstock!!! =D

mitzh said...

so cute!

:P said...

thanks becky! yeah, ruther pretty much supplies me with stuffed toys. hahaha! =D not that I don't love it...

:P said...

i never realized that you loved woodstock, beevee! =D cool!

:P said...

thanks mitzh! as always we think along the same line... =D