Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Here's an underwater shot of Ruther snorkeling at Balicasag Island in Bohol. There's actually a lot more color than that on the sea floor but I think the photo studio did a poor job in developing the prints. We're going to have another studio do the reprints.

And here I am feeding the fish with soggy biscuits. Our guide actually suggested feeding them with bread but I didn't have some with me but only had biscuits (meant for our snack). He said that was fine and it was a good thing I had them too or I would not have experienced this. The first time I fed them, the fish all swam to my hand, I was so shocked, I had to move away and surface. One fish was as big as my fist! I thought it was going to bite my finger! But after several feedings, I even tried to "pet" one and it was fun! A Korean guy who was snorkeling nearby was fascinated with the way the fish swarmed around me. I gave him a biscuit to feed the fish and he nodded his thanks. It was really fun and if we go back to Bohol again, this will be one activity I would love doing again.

1 comment:

beevs said...

i looove snorkeling. it was really fun no seeing all those colorful fishes. :)