Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Last night, I thought it was time to try having one-on-one lessons with Ethan. He usually cannot sit still for long periods of time or sometimes, when we leaf through a book and I would ask him questions like, “How many dogs do you see?” or “Where is the rainbow?” he would just flip to the next page and ignore me. I don’t force him to answer my questions when he’s not in the mood but it can really be frustrating.

Anyway, last night, I thought we could try again. This time, I got his write-and-wipe book. I know he loves interactive books and I know he loves to write and draw so I called him to me and showed him the book. On the bed, he sat on my lap and slowly, we did the book together. I would hold his hand while he tried to follow the curves and lines, the letters, the objects and the shapes. I was really happy that it lasted longer than I expected it to be. I think he was really fascinated with the way we answered the book (I made airplane and train noises while we drew because he likes airplanes and trains a lot) that even after we were done, he still kept at it. And this morning, when he saw his write-and-wipe book, he immediately got his boardmarker and doodled in it. I think this is a good sign. Maybe next time, we might even last through a whole story. For now, I am glad for little miracles.

1 comment:

Becky said...

It's hard getting them to take an interest at first, isn't it?

Keep at it, though. If you make reading a cozy, good mom-time, with lots of personal attention and enthusiasm for the helps them to realize a whole new world is waiting inside that book.