Tuesday, June 17, 2008


1. I never thought Nikki could be so cranky and surly. Even when he was a baby, when he was sick I would just mollycoddle him and he would be all cheered up. But these past days I noticed that he's been so cranky and so surly that it has affected me so and I would just turn to Ethan for for some much-needed pick-me-up. If it weren't for this cheerful and upbeat boy, I would be cranky and surly as well...

2. I could get sick also. And here I thought I was invincible. Actually, I have no fever but I have a sore and itchy throat. Which is VERY irritating. So now, in the room, it's like Nikki and I have this secret cough language (he coughs, I cough, vice-versa, etc.). I've finished 2 packs of Strepsils, and even drank calamansi juice to relieve some of the itchiness but it's hardly doing any good. I'm now trying those Pei Pa Koa "candies" that I heard works for coughs. Will say if it works or if that was all a load of crap.

3. I have always been a nurturing person. But this week I realized that it sucks when no one takes care of you. Of course, my poor husband has become the brunt of my moodiness and I've swamped him with emails about missing him and being alone here and having no one to take care of me and feeling miserable about my very itchy throat. There's only so much he could do naturally and thankfully, he hasn't lost his patience with me - yet.

4. I want this kind of life to stop. If you're wondering what "life", it's living apart from my husband. I know I sound pretty much like a broken record (is that phrase still useful in the 21st century?!?!) but I really, totally and honestly hate it. Hate it hate it hate it. This week I just know that I can't live like this anymore. Ruther and I have to come up with ideas on how we'll make that happen (and I could think of soooo many things right now, more out of desperation rather than reason) but I want him to want it to happen. I want him to say, "I want you with me - permanently." (Are you reading this, sweetie?)

5. I also learned that just because a well-known actor is in a movie doesn't mean it's worth watching. I saw The Wicker Man a few days ago and I really wish I could get back those lost hours. Such a waste of time. Whoever promoted this really weird movie is demented. And I'm not even a die-hard scary movie addict!! Guess that says a lot about the movie, huh...

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