Ethan's cute birthday cake. He loves airplanes so why not this design? =D (Loved the yummy chocolate sponge cake, by the way.)
Our very own private party. =D It was just the three of us but we had fun. Nikki was feeling a bit low because of his cough but he still joined in the fun and I loved him for that. Ethan just wanted to play with the cute candle holders.
Time to blow the candles! Ruther said Ethan's cheeks were so puffy in this photo. Hahaha! But this was not the only time Ethan blew his candles. Come evening while we were talking with Ruther, I lighted the candles again and Ruther sang the birthday song and then Ethan blew out the candles once more. That was my favorite part of whole celebration. =D
Present time! Nikki helped with the opening of presents. Ethan got some nice clothes, a pair of swimming goggles, a toy airplane from my sister, Playdough, and a book about planes - to mention a few...
"I love my toy airplane!"
"Wow! Thanks for my new laptop, Daddy and Mommy!"
Happy Birthday, Ethan! Everything looked very fun and festive.
That was a great way to celebrate...having him re-blow out the candles after daddy sang to him. Very sweet.
Happy Birthday Ethan x
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