Friday, June 26, 2009


I don't have a pet but my in-laws have a dog. His name is Chow-chow and nope, he's not of the Chow breed. We just called him that because he liked to chow down his food when he was little. Anyway, we do have a lot of dogs in Zamboanga and I'm quite fond of the canine family. What I'm not fond of however, are the parasites that these dogs bring. I am quite allergic to insect bites so I have to make sure that I don't get bitten by dog fleas. Thankfully though, we haven't had a flea infestation at home so that's good. But that doesn't mean Chow-chow does not have fleas. In fact, he's been having some flea and tick problems which isn't a pretty sight. His shampoo doesn't seem to help much either but I encountered this site which tackles flea problems in pets. The article says that fleas could give your dog anemia, tapeworms and dermatitis. Ewww. Also, aside from giving regular baths and using flea shampoos, it says that treating the places where the dog hangs out often is important as well. I didn't know that. They suggested using moth crystals to keep those pesky fleas from infesting the home so I think we're going to do that. I really wouldn't want the boys to get flea bites. So I hope Chow-chow is ready for his bath tomorrow...

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