I already started having some back pains which will only worsen later on (had that problem with the past 2 pregnancies) and am still having headaches (like now) which are no fun at all. Still, a small price to pay for helping a life grow inside me for 9 months.
Sometimes, when I'm not doing anything, I just rub my tummy and imagine I'm actually touching the baby inside. Sometimes I could feel tiny movements. Really tiny. If I was not pregnant before I would think it was something strange but I know it's the baby moving. The sonologist (during my first ultrasound) told me that I would not feel the movement for a few more weeks but I know what I felt and I was not imagining it nor was I intentionally thinking of the baby. I just felt it suddenly. I can't wait for Ruther to come home and feel the baby move. I'm sure he'd be psyched!
Oh and yeah, I'm still hoping it's a girl. :P
Did you get to observe Earth Hour? We did. I bought some candles and we formed a 60 on the table representing the 60 minutes of no lights. Oh yeah, we have photos. :D
I know some people think that Earth Hour is lame but I'm just glad that people from all over the world are willing to forget their differences and for one hour be united in taking part in this event. I only wish that every day is an Earth Hour day. That would be so wonderful.
My favorite aunt is coming in June! Well, she's not actually my aunt really but Ruther's. But she's still my favorite. I know I wrote several posts about Tita Nicki (who is from Australia) and she just announced recently on her Facebook profile that she'll be coming to the Philippines! What's more, she'll be staying for a year!! That is so great! It will be so wonderful to have her here again. I missed her a lot these past months and have been calling her sometimes for advice or just when I need a shoulder to cry on. She's been so fantastic. She's been a wonderful second mom to me. I just can't wait to see her!! Ohh! Wait til she sees my tummy! :D
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