Friday, January 14, 2011


So, we went to the hospital today to visit my father-in-law who was admitted last Monday due to dizziness and edema of the feet and abdomen. It's not looking too good right now because according to my mother-in-law, he will need a few more tests and another blood chemistry because they just recently transfused him due to an extremely low hemoglobin count. I asked what the initial diagnosis was and she didn't know. After 4 days at the hospital, the doctors can't even give an initial diagnosis?! If I were in their shoes, I would be texting them non-stop. I mean, hospital fees don't come cheap! And our national healthcare system is not so good.

We still have no idea when they will be coming home but all things considered, I think it's best for them to stay at the hospital for now.


Tita Nicki's friend Ursula arrived the other day from Australia and it was so great meeting her. In case you didn't know, Tita Nicki is Ruther's Australian aunt. She's married to Tito Leo, who is my mother-in-law's brother.

Anyway, it was nice meeting her because I've so wanted to talk to her about teaching in Japan. She worked there as an English teacher for 4 years she said and I would like to know how the experience was, what advice she could give me, how I could apply, and all that. We haven't had a chance to really chat because she's been catching up with Tita Nicki so I suppose we would have to do that when she gets back from Boracay.

Can't wait.

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