Tuesday, January 08, 2013

On My Way

Today I decided to take a course that will help me in my intention of having a business later on.  The title of the course is: Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses. This course is given by the University of Virginia.  I know it's not exactly a how-to-start-your-own-business course but I figured, any business advice would be a huge help for me.  Plus, the course is free so I can't (or shouldn't) complain, right?

The course starts January 28 and I'm pretty excited.  I'm planning to read the required and optional readings once Ruther prints them out for me.  Hopefully this week. I want to take the Introduction to Finance course as well but I'm a bit intimidated by needing to have some background in accounting, statistics and economics.  But we shall see. I need all the help I can get and some financial education will be awesome.

Yes, we shall see.  For the meantime... I'm excited. Very excited.

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