Saturday, December 16, 2006


Just had another bowl of ramen for lunch. It was quite filling and delicious. On a cold day like this, it just feels like the right thing to eat. Even Ethan had a go at the noodles in his little colorful bowl. He ate Pinoy style, of course: kamayan. Hehehe... We had to wait a few minutes for a table but it was worth it. Walking home on a full stomach on a cold sunny day ... seems like it's gonna be a nice Saturday afternoon...


Nikki is turning up to be an independent little boy. The other day, after several hours of activity, I happened to doze off a bit while Nikki and Ethan were watching their favorite show. Since I am a light sleeper, I awoke at the sound of flushing coming from the bathroom. I saw Nikki enter the room, bringing his briefs and pajamas with him. I asked him if he wanted to pee but he said he poo-pooed in the toilet. I thought at first he wanted to poo then, but he told me he did it already. I went to the bathroom and checked and sure enough he did go without me helping him. I was so proud of him. He managed to put his little potty atop the toilet seat and climb onto it. After he was done, he told me, he even poured water in the bowl and tried to wipe his butt with toilet paper. Cute little guy. I then washed his butt with soap and water (to make sure it was clean) and told him I was proud of him. He didn't want to wake me up from my nap so instead, decided to go potty on his own. I love this boy so much! =D


Ethan may be an active little boy but give him some colorful chalk and his small chalkboard and he'll draw for quite a while. He loves to draw and paint and scribble. Some people might think that all those doodles are nothing but I see that Ethan can be quite artistic. I hope to enrol him in a painting class when he's older. For now, I let him draw and paint as much as he wants to. I don't hinder him to coloring books where he must draw inside the lines. As much as possible, I want him to be imaginative, to be creative and to express himself through his work. A purple tree? Okay. An orange dog? No problem. So, go ahead, baby Ethan. Mommy will always be proud of your work.

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