Tuesday, December 05, 2006

September 1, 2006


“We will be landing at Narita airport in a few minutes,” said the pilot.

Suddenly, I felt very excited. All the past weeks’ and days’ doubts, worries and anxieties disappeared. This was really happening! This was not a dream! We truly were arriving in Japan! And I was going to see Ruther at last! I could barely stay in my seat.

Excitedly, I peeked outside the airplane window. Below us, I could see buildings, tiny cars, gardens, roads and the landing strip. Beneath the roar of the jets and the thick afternoon fog, there was Japan. I really could not believe it! The landing took a bit longer than expected and I was all ready and itching to get off the aircraft. Nikki listened to some classical music and Ethan looked out the window and played with the clouds. Pretty soon, we were making our descent and as the buildings got bigger and bigger through the window, I prepared myself for the touchdown. I felt a slight bump and we were on land once again. Taking the slight drizzle as good sign from heaven, I said a quick prayer of thanks for the safe trip. I checked my watch and it said: 2:32. A bit apprehensive that I could barely speak ten words in Nihonggo, we made our way to Terminal 2 of Narita Airport without any mishap. I simply followed the signs and the throng of people who were with us in the flight. The employees of Narita were kind and accommodating. Since passengers with children were a priority, we did not have to queue any more which was a BIG relief for me, although I had to chase Ethan a bit when he got excited and started running around. Passing through immigration and making our way down the escalators, we proceeded to the baggage carousel. When we got there, I could already see our luggage so after a quick word to Nikki and Ethan to stay put, I heaved our things into our cart. Making sure everything was in order, I pushed our groaning cart towards the nearby customs counter. “Uh-oh!” I thought as we approached. I started to think the woman behind the counter would question the quantity of bags I had with me. I smiled at her and handed our passports. She checked them and asked, “Do you have anything to declare?” I said, “No” and she let us through. Whew! And all the time, I imagined we would be escorted to a room on the suspicion that all the milk formulas in foil packs I brought were drugs or something. But that’s just the craziness in my head talking...

We exited the doors into the lobby and I looked around with no idea where to find the ticket counter for the limousine bus that would take us to Yokohama. A guy approached me and said, “Hi!” Surprise! Surprise! It was Ruther! I could hardly believe it! It was so unexpected I was caught off-guard and was speechless. Then, I managed to squeak an “Oh my god!” and hugged him tight. Just like that, months of separation melted away in an instant. The emotions overwhelmed me and I cried. I never wanted to let go. Time could have stopped and I would not know it nor would I have cared. I wanted to stay in his arms forever...

Ruther went to the ticket counter and purchased our tickets that would take us to Yokohama City Air Terminal (YCAT). We got into our bus and in a few minutes we were leaving Narita. Holding Ruther’s hand, I looked at the sight before me. Tokyolooked a bit like Manila with the buildings, the signs, vehicles and highways. But I was amazed at the lush greenery that was an integral part of the metropolis. I wished Manila would be more environmentally conscious. We were suddenly caught in traffic for 5 minutes and it literally was just 5 minutes. And here I thought traffic meant “not moving”... We made good time and Ruther pointed out to me his building, the ferris wheel of CosmoWorld which was just a stone’s throw away from his office, and the Landmark Tower, a famous building in the area. When we got to YCAT, we unloaded our things and waited for a taxi that would take us to Tokaichiba. I was a bit worried about how heavy our things were since the driver was in his 50s but Ruther helped and we were soon on our way. The taxi fare started at a whopping Y660!! Wow! But then again, the service really is great. This time, the sights reminded me of Baguio with the hills and valleys and cool air. It also reminded me of Zamboanga with the quaint houses and shops, small streets and sometimes rural feel.

We parked in front of a small building and got out. Our home in Japan is Room 203 of LeoPalace. It is small but cozy. It is our place and I love it! At last, my family is together. What a day! I am in a new country, I am experiencing new things, my boys are no longer away from their dad and I am truly and finally with Ruther. Home is really where the heart is.

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