Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Dearest Becky, this little post is dedicated to you...

I just want to say thank you for always dropping by and for taking the time to tell me your thoughts about some of the things I write here. I feel so lucky to be friends with you in this universe and I really and truly appreciate all your encouragement, advice, support, understanding and thoughtfulness. Just know that even if I rarely reply to your comments (or anyone else for that matter), I always take your words to heart and I enjoy hearing from you. I feel that I owe you a big thank you for always, always being there no matter what, for being my listening ear, my Bible, my shoulder. Thank you so much and I hope the friendship continues...

1 comment:

Becky said...

*sniffs,dabs tears* You've got me all misty here, Yette.

Thank you, friend...I feel so honored that you would say such things. You're very sweet, and the feelings are entirely mutual. I, too, marvel that somehow we happened across each other in the blogosphere, as I have a new friend, a kindred spirit clear across the world, and yet seemingly next door.

Thank you, Yette. I'm deeply touched.