Tuesday, June 03, 2008


The other day I was at the hardware store. I needed to buy some chains for the boy's swing set and there was a queue at the cash register. I patiently waited for my turn (I really don't mind waiting). Anyway, there was a young woman in front of me with an older guy, who I suspected was her uncle. They had bulky items so it took some time for them to be done. I subtly observed the woman in front of me. She was young. Twenty-something, maybe. She was slim and was fair. She had light make-up on (I could see a bit of blush on her cheeks from where I was standing). Her hair was straight, black and was shoulder-length. As she fidgeted in place, I noticed some white stuff sprinkled on her hair. I wondered, "Could it be dandruff?" I was about to conclude that it was that when I noticed small white shiny dots on the strands of her hair. Actually, all over her head. And then I realized, she had lice!! It took all my willpower not to let out a "ewwww!" from where I was standing. Never in my life have I seen that many nits on one head. No kidding! I swear it's the truth! And it was so gross and just looking at all those eggs stuck to her hair just made me want to cover my head with a turban. I just found it disturbing that a pretty woman would be breeding lice on her head. I mean, she should know she has lice, shouldn't she? I mean, how can she not know? It's just so absurd. I mean, her head should be itching like crazy with all those parasites gleefully making a home on her scalp. Even I could tell the difference between a dandruff itch and a lice itch. Anyway, after I realized that the woman's head was covered with nits, I took a casual step back to protect my head from infestation. I know that's kind of mean but hey! I hate those blood-sucking pests. I just hope that that woman realizes she has head lice. Maybe someone close to her will tell her about her problem (how can anyone NOT notice? It's like someone sprinkled iodized salt on her head!!). Maybe she could shave her head. And maybe I won't have to remember the back of her head for the rest of my life. Then we could all be happy.


Becky said...

I, too, would have been stepping far, far away. I get the heebie-jeebies when I see that kind of thing, and then worry for about a week that I have it, lol.

I, too, don't understand how a person can NOT know they have lice, especially for a woman conscientious enough about her appearance to go to the trouble of wearing makeup.

Treating it isn't all that difficult or even expensive. Mayonaise rubbed all through the hair and scalp and 'worn' with a shower cap for an evening is supposed to smother the eggs and the lice to death (and give your hair a good moisturizing treatment along with it).

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck!! She HAD to know...how she could live like that is beyond me. If I had lice I would be so creeped out and grossed out that I'd spend as long as necessary at home getting each and every one out. And then I'd shave my head, just to be safe. Eww!