Thursday, July 03, 2008


I have to admit, I am definitely more excited this time than the first time I found out we were going to Japan to see Ruther. I suppose back then, I was just too scared to be too excited because I always thought that even if we had our visas, something could still go wrong. So it was not until were were going to land on Narita Airport that I allowed myself to let go and be excited.

But this time it's different. This time, I know we're going to see Ruther in 16 days and really, I am so excited. We've been talking about taking the boys to places, about reconnecting and just spending a whole lot of time together. Really, we could just stay in the apartment all day and I would be happy still. It really doesn't matter to me where we are. As long as my family is together, is healthy and happy, I'm perfectly content.

I've been making a list of the things we're going to bring to Japan. I also have to make another list for the stuff I would have to buy for the trip. Fortunately, some of our winter clothes are still in the apartment so I don't have to worry about bringing a lot of those this time. Also, since we already spent 6 months there last time, I now have a better idea what to expect, what to bring, what not to bring and what things we might need that are not available there or are too expensive. Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Last night, although I was tired, I just couldn't sleep immediately. I suppose the realization that we were going to Japan in 2 weeks just filled my thoughts. I didn't mind the restlessness. I was just too happy to care. I'm still floating in my cloud and I don't think anything is going to ruin my mood for the next 2 weeks.

That's a guarantee.


Jane said...

So glad you will be back with your husband soon Yette.
I've just read about Ethan, that must have been a great worry, I hope he is back to normal now,
take care, Jane x

Becky said...

That's soooo exciting for you guys. I'll bet the next few days just whiz by getting ready, and before you know it, you'll be there all together in one place again. YAY!